3-Dimensional Venn Diagram study of architectural and urban design functional use relationships in three dimensional space. From a 1966 diary of Dennis Holloay, after discussions with U.Mich Prof. Walter Sauders, and additional inspiration from Christorpher Alexander's "Notes on a Synthsis of Form", Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, William Seitz' "The Responsive Eye", and Paul Klee's "Diaries".
 Study of urban three-dimensional spacial uses arranged around, and arganized by, movement path infrastructure with "labyrinthine clarity". From a 1966 diary of Dennis Holloway, with inspiration from Aldo van Eyck, and CIAM Team 10.
 3D Motion Grid City project team collaboration with W.Brown, P.Forbes, D.Holloway, and Sociologist, J.Vanek, The isometric of the team's germinal idea for a "City in Space", vis-a-vis, a "City of Towers. (isometric drawing by Dennis Holloway, Ink pen on vellum, 1966).
 3D Motion Grid City, first collaborative team model, University of Michigan. The Project was inspired by crystalography.
 3D Motion Grid City Again was the second semester collaboration of the U.Michigan team, which morphed the circulation matrix from orthagonal (first semester) to tetrahedral. The functions of the City were stratified by the need for, and relationship to, daylight and solar energy, with housing on th exterior surface of the City, and other uses arranged as required on lower levels. The 3D City reorganized the urban idea, by leaving the natural landscape free for recreation and agriculture, while increasing dense clustering of all urban functions into megastructural island-mountains, connected by a high-speed transit grid.
 3D Motion Grid City Again, isometric drawing of the motion grid abstracted from the City architectural use envelopes. (Dennis Holloway, ink on vellum, 1966)
 Isometric drawing of 3D Motion City Again. (Dennis Holloway, ink on vellum, 1966)
 Cross-section north-south drawing of 3D Motion Grid City Again. (Dennis Holloway, ink on vellum, 1966)
 Color model of 3D Motion Grid City Again. Housing on the surface in yellow with other urban functions below in various colors, 1966.
 Detail model of 3D Motion Grid City Again showing a movement node of diagonals and horizontals iwth housing and other urban uses. This illustrates "what happens when you stop."
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure isolated from uses.
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure with housing infill.
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure with housing infill.
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure with housing infill.( Dennis Holloway, 1967).
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure with housing infill. (D.Hafner, D.Holloway, D.Stanek, 1967)
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Detail of housing megastructure with housing infill. (D.Hafner, D.Holloway, 1967)
 Harvard Grad School of Design extended collaborative team study of 3D Motion Grid City concept. Urban Density Guage. (D.Hafner, W.Mason, 1967)
 3D Motion Grid City proposal for NYC World Trade Center Competion, 2004, W. Brown, P.Forbes, D.Holloway.
 3D Motion Grid City original collaborative team, U.Mich. 1966: left to right: W.Brown, D.Holloway, P.Forbes.
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