Gran Quivira Pueblo
Tiwa and Tampiro Cultures ancestral village, and major pre-Columbian trading center, was built c.1300 CE and inhabited until the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 C.E.; located in the Salinas Missions National Monument, in the Salinas Basin near Mountainair, New Mexico. Location coordinates: 34°15'36.0"N 106°05'29.2"W Elevation is 1991 meters (6533 feet) above sea level. Materials: mortarless stone walls, wood log roof structure, with mud/clay roof. Photomontage of Gran Quivira Pueblo upon an aerial photo of the actual site.
Data for CG model: 1.Ivey, James E.,1988. IN THE MIDST OF A LONELINESS, THE ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE SALINAS MISSIONS, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument Historic Structure Report, Southwest Cultural Resources Center, Professional Papers No. 15. Santa Fe, New Mexico. |
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