
The ancient mound settlement of Hacilar is located in Turkey's Lake District, on a terrace of dense woodland near Lake Burdur Gölü. Dated from 8000 BCE at its earliest stage of development, the archaeological remains indicate that the site was abandoned and reoccupied on more than one occasion in its history. Beginning with a pre-ceramic squatter settlement, 9 subsequent stratigraphic levels have been excavated revealing occupations in the Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Chalcolithic eras.
Stratigraphy (excavated levels) from top to bottom of the mound:
F. Hacilar I c. 5100 - c. 5000 BCE, construction to destruction of fortress, end of early chalcolithic period.
E. Hacilar IIA c. 5600 - c. 5250 BCE, construction of first phase of fortified enclosure, early chalcolithic period.
D. Hacilar VI c. 5670 - c. 5600 BCE, final neolithic settlement, destruction by fire.
C. Hacilar IX c. 5750 BCE, first neolithic occupation.
B. Hiatus c. 6750 - 5750 BCE, no occupation of mound.
A. Pre-ceramic Hacilar c. 8000 - 7000 BCE.
The significance of the Anatolian settlements such as Hacilar lies in the fact that they were the earliest sources of ideas for civilization and art, particularly in painted ceramics, that gradually migrated into Halafian Syro-Mesopotamia and the Neolithic cultures of the Balkans and Northern Greece.
Elevation is 1000 m. (3280 ft.) above sea level.
Sources of data for CG models:
1. Mellaart, James., 1970; Excavations at Hacılar, published for The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, by University Press Edinburgh, 1970.
2. Brami, Maxime, 2014; Revisiting Hacılar; Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 146.
3. Aydin,,Onder; Gasco, Giorgio; Centinturk, Nihal; 2014: Courtyards in Ancient Anatolia: a Discussion of the Architectural Features of Open Spaces from the
Neolithic Age to the End of the Bronze Age; Gazi University Journal of Science, GU J Sci 27(2):823-837(2014).