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Dennis Robert Holloway, Architect & Urban DesignerC U R R I C U L U M V I T A E - 2021 Born: March 26, 1943; Owosso, Michigan 7313 Pechora Drive N.E. B R I E F B I O G R A P H Y : Dennis Robert Holloway, a native of Michigan, attended the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) College of Architecture and Design and received his Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) Degree there in 1966. Professors William Muschenheim , Robert Lytle, Leonard K. Eaton (architectural historian), Gordon Rogers, Roger Clemence, and Robert Beckley were important teachers in his formative architectural studies. During his undergraduate years he worked as a draftsman for Ann Arbor architect, Robert C. Metcalf, and later as a designer for architect, Alden B. Dow, (the noted student of Frank Lloyd Wright) in Midland, Michigan. He later attended Harvard University Graduate School of Design, which awarded him a Master of Architecture in Urban Design (MAUD) Degree in 1967. Professors Jose Luis Sert, Wilhelm von Moltke, Jerzy Soltan, Eduard Sekler, and Jacqueline Tyrwhitt challenged him to understand architecture and design in a broader urban context. During 1968-1969, while living in London, Liverpool, and Leiden, he independently studied housing design and housing system building in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands under a State Department Fulbright Scholarship in associationwith the University of Liverpool (UK). Returning to the States he worked two years for the New York City architecture-city planning firm of Conklin & Rossant--working on designs for large public housing projects and large complexes of buildings. From 1970 to 1977 Mr. Holloway taught at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, under the Headship of Ralph Rapson, where he was tenured as an Associate Professor of Architecture. From 1977 to 1980 he was a tenured Associate Professor of Environmental Design at the University of Colorado at Boulder. During this period Mr. Holloway introduced new courses and research in solar architecture and appropriate technology design. In 1973 Mr. Holloway pioneered the University of Minnesota Solar House, Project Ouroboros, which as the first solar house in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest, was colaboratively designed and constructed by 450 of his freshman students over a three-year period. Ouroboros was the first truly interdisciplinary applications research project implemented at the University, also involving the architedture and engineering departments of the Institute of Technology. Professors Perry Blackshear, Emil Pfender, Patrick Starr, and graduate student, John Ilse, in the Mechanical Engineering Department, were active collaborators in the development of the hybrid active solar collection, storage, and monitoring systems for the Project. In 1976 he helped to create the Federally funded National Center For Appropriate Technology, Butte Montana, serving for two years on the Board of Directors. During this period the Board dispersed two million dollars in grants to appropriate technology projects in low-income and minority communities throughout the United States. His public service to the solar energy movement is nationally and internationally respected and was honored in 1976 by a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Quality Award in Science and Technology. Dennis Holloway is the subject of biographical record in the first edition of Marquis Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology. Mr. Holloway was one of thirty international architects (seven from U.S.A.) to be invited by the Government of Japan to exhibit passive solar architecture projects in Ginza Pocket Park at the Passive Solar Forum, 1987, Tokyo, organized by the Japan Solar Energy Society and Architectural Institute of Japan. Concurrent with his University teaching and research Mr. Holloway has practiced his profession as a Registered Architect, first in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and later in Boulder, Colorado. He is currently registered in Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, and he now resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is a Certified Architect of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, which entitles him to reciprocal registration anywhere in the United States. He now devotes his professional time to architectural and planning projects which focus on energy conservation principles, renewable sources of energy, solar-adobe, urban design, historic preservation, and Southwestern U.S. traditional vernacular. Current projects occupying his attention include appropriate technology housing for the Navajo Nation, health care facilities for Native Americans, and solar-adobe construction in Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. From 1987 through 1990 he was Director of the Colorado Solar Hogan Demonstration at the University of Colorado / Boulder, and, collaborating with Charles Cambridge, Navaho Anthropologist, demonstrated applications of passive solar, solar electric, and other appropriate technologies to the traditional "off-the-grid" Navaho home--the hogan. The project has been filmed for Cable Discovery Channel's Beyond 2000 and has been broadcast in sixty countries via satellite. The Navaho Nation is in the long term process of preparing a platform to implement his designs as alternatives to the inappropriate rectilinear housing or house trailers. All Navaho Nation projects are done through the firm, Cambridge Holloway Associates, Inc., Charles Cambridge (Navaho), President. Beginning in 1986, Mr. Holloway has been using the Macintosh computer to perform all design, drawings, graphics, and writing in his practice, and is a beta tester for state-of-the-art 3-D computer programs. In November, 1991, in a one-person show called Virtual Realities, he exhibited his computer architecture simultaneously at Philip Bariess Contemporary Exhibitions in Taos, New Mexico an at the Gallery of San Juan College, Farmington, New Mexico. From 1993 to 1995, the Council of the Pueblo of Pojoaque, in Northern New Mexico, appointed Mr. Holloway as the Director and Principal Architect of Poeh Architecture + Planning, within the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum, Pueblo of Pojoaque . While maintaining his private practice in New Mexico, he was appointed as the internal architect and planner of all new construction and restoration within the Pueblo. Projects completed during that period include the Phase One of the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum Complex, designed in the ancient Anasazi mud idiom, in collaboration with Joel McHorse (Taos Pueblo) and under the direction of (then) Lt. Gov. George Rivera. Dennis Holloway's writings and architecture have been published widely and internationally. He is co-author, with Maureen McIntyre, of The Owner Builder Experience, How to Design and Build Your Own Home, published in 1986 by Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania. An extensive presentation of his work may be found on the Internet: http://www.DennisRHollowayArchitect.com E D U C A T I O N : University of Michigan, College of Architecture and Design Harvard University Graduate School of Design Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society Tau Sigma Delta Society of Architecture and Allied Arts Fulbright Scholarship to United Kingdom in affiliation with the University of Liverpool, England, P U B L I C S E R V I C E A W A R D S & P R O F E S S I O N A L A C H I E V E M E N T : 1976 Environmental Quality Award in Science and Technology from the United States Marquis Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology (First Edition 1984-85); Subject of biographical record. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Associate Professor of Environmental Design, University of Colorado/Boulder, College of Lecturer, University of Colorado/Boulder, College of Environmental Design, Fall, 1987 to 1990, Visiting Lecturer, Duy Tan University, Danang, Vietnam, Fall, 2013 to Present,
A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E G I S T R A T I O N : New Mexico (Active: 1990 - Present) #2569 Arizona (Currently Inactive) #49772 B O O K S P U B L I S H E D : 1. Winona - Towards and Energy Conserving Community, Edited by Huldah Curl, University of Minnesota Continuing Education in the Arts, 1975, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is a project report on the innovative resource conserving urban planning work of Prof. Holloway's senior students in his Energy Design Studio at the U/Minn. School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. The project shows how a typical Midwest US town could transform into an energy, resource, and food self-sufficient community. The book is, unfortunately, out of print. 2. Summary Proceedings: Human Scale Alternatives Conference, (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, November, 1977) edited by Dan Beveridge, published by University of Regina, February, 1978. Contains Professor Holloway's paper "Hard Questions for Soft Societies".
3. The Owner-Builder Experience: How to Design and Build Your Own Home , (Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania) by Dennis Holloway and Maureen McIntyre, October 1986. 4. Vienna Congress on Alternatives and Environment Proceedings, (Vienna, Austria, October, 1979), published by United Nations World, Spring, 1980. Contains Professor Holloway's paper "Hard Questions for Soft Societies". 5. Resettling America; Energy Environment and Community , (Brickhouse Press) edited by Gary Coates, Fall 1980. Contains a chapter by Professor Holloway, "Appropriate Technology and the Future of Our Communities". 6. Virtual Reality and Archaeology,edited by J.A. Barcelo, M. Forte and D.H.Sanders, Archaeopress (BAR International Series S 843) ISBN 1841710474, Oxford, 2000, contains Mr. Holloway's chapter, "Native American Virtual Reality Archaeology: An Architect's Perspective". The book is published with an accompanying CDRom containing an additional 75 computer graphics images by Mr. Holloway.
1. "Some Comparative Measurements for Low-rise Medium-density Housing," by Dennis R. Holloway, Ekistics, Volume 31, Number 183, February 1971, pp. 179 - 183. 2. "Project Ouroboros", Dennis R. Holloway, Solar Age, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 14 - 17, 3. "Reconstructing Ancestral Architecture in Virtual Reality", Dennis R. Holloway. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico, Volume 46, 2020, A Lifelong Journey, Papers in Honor of Michael P. Marshall, Edited by Emily J. Brown, Matthew J. Barbour, and Genevieve N Head. 4. "Passive Solar Houses Without Furnaces in the High Rockies", Dennis R. Holloway, in Conference Papers: 8th National Passive Solar Conference, (American Solar Energy Society Inc.), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1983, Edited by John Hayes and Dennis A. Andrejko, pp. 961-966. 5. "Hard Questions for Soft Societies", Dennis R. Holloway, in Humanistic Energy Choices, Aspen Energy Forum 1978 Proceedings. Golden CO: Solar Energy Research Institute; 1979
P U B L I S H E D R E V I E W S O F C R E A T I V E W O R K : 1. "A House High in the Rockies", by Steve Bliss, in Solar Age (Magazine ) March, 1983, pp. 34-36. 2. "Houses Designed with Nature: Their future is at hand", by Sam Love, in Smithhsonian Magazine) , December, 1975, pp. 46-53. 3. Energy, Environment and Building, by Philip Steadman, published by Cambridge University Press, 1975, pp. 145-146, 194, 268-269. 4. Design for a Limited Planet: Living with Natural Energy, by Norma Skurka and Jon Naar, published by Ballantine, pp. 186-191. 5. The Solar Home Book, by Bruce Anderson with Michael Riordan, Brickhouse Press, 1978, pp. 46-48. 6. "Autonomous Living in the Ouroboros House", by Sharon Marcovich, cover story in Popular Science Magazine, pp. 80-82, 111, December, 1975. 7. The Self Sufficient House, by Frank Coffee, published by Holt, Reinhart, & Winston, 1981. 8. Passive Solar Performance: Summary of 1981-1982 Class B Results, by Joel Swisher and Thomas Cowing, published by the Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado, pp. 64-69, June, 1983, and available through the U.S. Government Printing Office. 9. Architektur mit der Sonne, by Josef Kiraly (Innsbruck, Austria), published by Verlag C.F. Muller Karlsruhe, 1982 pp. 53-54. 10. Klimagerechte und energiesparende Architektur, by G. Hillman, J. Nagel, and Hasso Schreck (West Berlin, West Germany), published by Verlag C.F. Muller Karlsruhe, 1982. 11. "The Solar Hogan Project", by Richard Simonelli in Winds of Change (A Magazine of American Indians), published by AISES, Boulder, Colorado, Spring 1989, pp. 32-38. 12. "Passive and Low Energy Architecture - Architecture and Technology: Environment-conscious Design in the 1990's - a World Survey" Process Architecture , Tokyo, Japan (English and Japanese), No. 98, pp. 138-139. 13. Renewable Are Ready, People Creating Renewable Energy Solutions, by Nancy Cole and P.J. Skerrett, Union of Concerned Scientists , published by Chelsea Green Publishing Co.. 1995, review of Colorado Solar Hogan Project. 14. Contemporary Native American Architecture, Cultural Regeneration and Creativity, by Carol Herselle Krinsky, Oxford University Press, 1996, contains reviews of Mr. Holloway's work with Native Americans, including the Colorado Solar Hogan Demonstration and the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum, Pueblo of Pojoaque, designed while he was employed by the Pueblo of Pojoaque. 15. Ancient Ruins and Rock Art of the Southwest, An Archaeological Guide, by David Grant Noble, 16. Die Kosher von Adolph Francis Bandelier, by Peter Noack und Berthold Riese (Hrsg.), BAS 44, Bonn Americanist Studies, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2007. Contains an illustration of the 3D computer model of the architecture of Tyuonyi Pueblo by Mr. Holloway. 17. Leaving Mesa Verde, Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest, Edited by Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, and Aaron M Wright , University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2010. Contains illustrations of 3D computer models of reconstructed architecture of Pueblo Ruins by Mr. Holloway. 18. House of the Future, by Hiroshi Abe, et al, A+U Architecture and Urbanism, November 2015 Special Issue, A+U Publishing Co. Ltd, Printed in Japan. Contains an illustrated review of Prof. Holloway's OUROBOROS PROJECT (solar energy and sustainability project), University of Minnesota from the 1970s. 19. LƯỢC SỬ VĂN MINH CHAMPA (History of Champa Culture Architecture of Vietnam), by Thanh Tra`, Published in Vietnam, 2015. Contains Mr. Holloway's Cover Design and illustrations of 3D models of Champa Architecture of My Son Sanctuary, Vietnam. 20. New Architecture on Indigenous Lands, by Joyce Monice Molnar and Frank Vodvarka, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2013. Contains illustrated reviews of Mr. Holloway's architectural design for the Pueblo of Pojoaque, NM, Poeh Center Museum. 21. Winds From the North, Tewa Origins and Historical Anthropology, by Scott G. Ortman, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2012. Contains Mr. Holloway's 3D computer reconstructions, from archaeological data, of Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado, and Yellowjacket Pueblo, Colorado. 22. Making the Past, by Joy McCorriston an Julie Field, college textbook published by Thames and Hudson, London, England, 2019. Contains Mr. Holloway's 3D computer reconstruction, from archaeological data, of Pueblo Bonito, Chaco National Historic Park, New Mexico. 23. Four Decades of Green Design, by Katherine Flynn for AIA Architect, in Journal of the American Institute of Architect, December 03, 2019. Contains a review and history of the Green Architecture of architects, David Wright, Dennis R. Holloway, Helena Zambrano, and 24. New Mexico Architect Dennis Holloway Uses CINEMA 4D to Reconstruct Ancient Indian Ruins, by Meleah Maynard, CGArchitect, November, 2009, online review of Mr. Holloway's VR Archaeology modeling using Cinema 4D. 25. Architect takes quantum leap forward, by Deborah Ensor, The Taos News TEMPO section, Taos, New Mexico, May 14, 1991. Review s Mr. Holloway's "Virtual Reality" show at the Philip Bareiss Contempory Exhibitions, Taos, New Mexico. 26. Lessons Learned: THE GREENWORKS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMPETITION, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 23, 2009 - A Collaboration of the City of Santa Fe, the Frederick P. Rose Architectural Fellowship, Enterprise Community Partners, and Enterprise GreenCommunities. Written and edited by Alexandra G. Ladd, AICP. This publication contains Mr. Holloway's entry in the competition, including all design graphics, and Jury comments on pages 25 - 28. 27. Renewable Resources: A National Catalog of Model Projects, Volume 2 (of 4): Mid-American Solar Energy Complex Region, Prepared by Center for Renewable Resources for U.S. Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary for Conservation & Solar Energy, Office for Solar Applications for Buiildings, Washington, D.C., July 1980. This publication reviews Mr. Holloway's Minnesota Project Ouroboros South (pages MN27-MN28) and Project Ouroboros East (page MN22).
F I L M S , V I D E O , A N D O T H E R M E D I A :
3. "3-D Sites Gallery", Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Web Site, 2014, featuring the 3-D models by Dennis Holloway in photomontage of aerial photographs by Adriel Heisey of six ancient ancestral Puebloan villages in Southwest Colorado: https://www.crowcanyon.org/index.php/galleries/3-d-sites-gallery. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9gubinlCfU
E X H I B I T I O N S : 1. "Virtual Reality", Philip Bareiss Contemporary Exhibits, Taos, New Mexico, November-December, 1991. Mr. Holloway's exhibition of animations and prints of architecture and archaeology models using virtual reality software.
3. VIRTUAL ARCHITECTURE, LISBON ( December,1997 -January, 1998). Mr. Holloway's virtual reality architecture, including solar architecture and architecture in the Native American idiom, are part of this radical cyber-exhibition at the CCB Culture Center, in Lisbon, Portugal. The exhibition reveals a revolution in architecture after VR. Emanuel D.M. Pimenta is the exhibition director. The Virtual Architecture exhibition will also be published simultaneously in Portuguese and English in the December, 1997, issue of the journal, ARCHITECTI. This exhibition may be visited on the Internet at: http://www.asa-art.com/virtus.htm 4. VITUAL REALITY ARCHITECTURE, International Biennial of Architecture, (November 20, 1999 - January 25, 2000), at the Bienal Internacional Sao Paolo, Brazil. This exhibition, coordinated by Emanuel Diman de Melo Pimenta and ASA Art and Technology, Lisbon and London, with support from the Fundacao Bienal Sao Paulo. It is expected that the exhition will be attended by more than 100,000 visitors. Mr. Holloway was invited to exhibit his as one of fifteen international architects working in the virtual reality architecture field. The Exhibit may be visited on the Internet at: http://www.asa-art.com/bienal.htm 5. ARCHEO VIRTUA, First Festival of Multimedia in Archaeology, held in the Archeodrome of Bourgogne (Meursault, France), March 25-26, 1999. The aim of the ARCHEO VIRTUA festival is to review international creation in multimedia and 3D reconstruction applied to archaeology. Mr. Holloway's archaeological reconstructions of prehistoric Native American places in 3D virtual reality (Macintosh platform), have become known widely in the global archaeological community, through his web site. 6. ANCIENT NEW MEXICO, An exhibition on ancient Ancestral Puebloan Culture, Hubbard Museum of the American West, Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico, November 14, 2009 - October 3, 2010. Mr. Holloway's virtual reality reconstructions of many New Mexico places that have not been seen in modern times, until now, are incorporated into this exhibition. 7. Goodman Point Pueblo archaeolgical reconstruction and photo-montage of an ancient Ancestral Puebloan village, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado, 2010. |
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